Publication name Communication, Technologies et Développement
De la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle dans le domaine éducatif
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/12/2021
- Keywords
- Artificial intelligence
Publication name Communication, Technologies et Développement
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/12/2021
Publication name Pangea - Revue du réseau de communication ibéro-américain
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/12/2021
Publication name Revue Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/11/2021
Publication name Recherches en Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/04/2022
Publication name Communication & Management
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/12/2021
Publication name Communication & Management
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 05/12/2021
Publication name Mots. Les langages du politique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/01/2022
Publication name Réseaux
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2021
Publication name Communication & Professionnalisation
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 19/11/2021
Publication name Communication & Management
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2021
Publication name Socio-anthropologie
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/11/2021
Publication name Glocalism Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Expected contribution type Article
Expected response for the 31/01/2022