The SFSIC is involved in the animation of the scientific community of Information and Communication Sciences and, in a larger sense, in matters relating to information and communication at the national and international levels.
In this regard, our association relies on two periodical publications: La Revue Française des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (RFSIC for short) and the Cahiers de la SFSIC, which are two essential levers for the mutualization and the visibility of research experiences in Information and Communication Sciences.
The SFSIC also issues other types of publications highlighting the projects carried out by the association for the benefit of the scientific community. SFSIC Congresses and SFSIC Doctoral Meetings proceedings are published for the benefit of the scientific community, for both young researchers and more experienced project leaders.
Finally, the SFSIC relies on the diversity of possible formats for the valorization of research to diffuse the works that feed the scientific life of our discipline. Our society is thus involved in the publication of proceedings and synthesis documents following events that it organizes, and is also involved in the coordination of collective works.