Publication name Design, Arts, Médias
Systèmes : logiques, graphies, matérialités
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/09/2021
Publication name Design, Arts, Médias
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/09/2021
Publication name Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/09/2021
Publication type ouvrage
Event type seminaire-2
Event dates 05/11/2021 or 03/12/2021 or 14/01/2022 or 11/02/2022 or 08/03/2022
Publication name ICA Affiliate Journals
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2021
Publication name Intelligibilité du numérique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 07/11/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 22/11/2021
Expected response for the 15/09/2021
Publication name Revue Cahiers d’histoire culturelle
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/10/2021
Publication name Revue Mots. Les langages du politique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 31/10/2021
Publication name Revue Études de communication - n°56
Publication type actes