Publication name Balisage
Le livre et l’événement, du manuscrit au numérique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/10/2023
Publication name Balisage
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/10/2023
Event type Conference
Event dates 26/05/2022
Publication name Communication - n°38/1 | 2021
Publication type numero-revue
Publication name Ouvrage collectif
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/07/2021
Publication name Ouvrage collectif
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/01/2021
Publication name Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2020
Publication name Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 18/05/2020