Publication name Communications
L’état du luxe
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/02/2021
La revue Communications lance son appel à article sur le thème "L'état du luxe"....
Publication name Communications
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/02/2021
La revue Communications lance son appel à article sur le thème "L'état du luxe"....
Publication name Management & Data Science
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 02/04/2021
Publication name Communiquer - Revue de communication sociale et publique - n°30
Publication type numero-revue
Event type colloque
Event dates 16/11/2021
Expected response for the 01/02/2021
Publication name Tensions interculturelles en organisation - n°58
Publication type numero-revue
Event type journee-etude
Event dates 30/03/2021
Expected response for the 30/12/2020
Publication name Revue « Perspective » 2021 – n°2
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 10/01/2021
La revue "Perspective" lance son appel à article sur le thème "Habiter"....
Publication name Revue Management & Data Science
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/03/2021
Event type journee-etude
Event dates 10/06/2021
Expected response for the 30/12/2020
Publication name Revue Marges (numéro 34)
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/01/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 05/05/2022
Expected response for the 15/02/2021
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 09/12/2020