Publication name Anthropologie et Sociétés
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 22/03/2021
- Keywords
- Anthropology
- Arts
- Dance
- Methodology
Publication name Anthropologie et Sociétés
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 22/03/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 04/05/2021
Expected response for the 15/02/2021
Publication name Ouvrage collectif
Expected contribution type chapitre-ouvrage
Expected response for the 15/03/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 23/08/2021
Expected response for the 15/04/2021
Appel à contribution pour le Colloque scientifique Ludovia sur le thème "Numérique et social"....
Publication name Distances et médiations des savoirs. Distance and Mediation of Knowledge (DMS-DMK)
Expected contribution type Enquête lectorat
Expected response for the 28/02/2021
Publication name Réseaux
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 29/03/2021
Publication name Revue « Études sur la mort »
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/03/2021
Publication name Revue Proteus
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 31/03/2021
Event type journee-etude-2
Event dates 03/02/2021
Publication name Humanités Numériques
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 12/04/2021
Event type Conférence
Event dates 01/06/2021
Expected response for the 15/03/2021
Publication name Études de communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 15/04/2021