The visual and audiovisual turn in the age of screen media
Event type Congrès
Event dates 21/04/2022
Expected response for the 08/11/2021
Event type Congrès
Event dates 21/04/2022
Expected response for the 08/11/2021
Publication name ICA Affiliate Journals
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2021
Expected response for the 31/12/2021
La SACM publie le numéro 62 de sa newsletter consacrée à l'actualité de la recherche en Suisse. ...
Event type Congrès
Event dates 07/10/2021
Expected response for the 28/02/2021
Expected response for the 06/03/2021
Announcement type emploi
Expected response for the 01/03/2021
Publication name Ouvrage collectif chez Springer Gabler
Expected contribution type chapitre-ouvrage
Expected response for the 30/12/2020
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 22/10/2020 or 26/10/2020 or 29/10/2020 or 12/11/2020 or 19/11/2020
Announcement type prix
Expected response for the 14/12/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 27/05/2021
Expected response for the 06/11/2020
Event type colloque
Event dates 22/04/2021
Expected response for the 01/09/2020
Announcement type prix
Expected response for the 27/02/2020