Hyper-interprétation et savoirs à l’ère du digital : concepts et méthodes
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 18/03/2024
Event type colloque-2
Event dates 18/03/2024
Publication name Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 20/01/2024
Announcement type bourse-recherche
Expected response for the 23/06/2023
Publication name Revue Le Temps des Médias
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 01/12/2022
Appel à contribution pour la rubrique Varia de la revue Le Temps des médias....
Event type colloque
Event dates 29/09/2022
Expected response for the 29/04/2022
Publication name COSSI
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/04/2022
Event type colloque
Event dates 20/05/2021
Expected response for the 15/04/2021
Publication name Revue Photographica
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 30/04/2021
Event type colloque
Event dates 17/06/2021
Expected response for the 15/01/2021
Publication name Communication et Organisation
Expected contribution type article
Expected response for the 31/12/2020
La revue Communication et Organisation lance son appel à recensions...
Event type journee-etude
Event dates 15/06/2020
Expected response for the 10/01/2020
Event type journee-etude-2
Event dates 21/11/2019